2016 advice friends friendship relationships

Day 6: Seven Days of Thankfulness

I’m thankful for sisterhood. Sisterhood is the one thing that I can truly count on. Some women go and some women stay, but I tell you that when you find a sister/friend that knows and loves you….you change. For the better.

You grow and discover that there is strength in numbers. Sisters bond with you. They help you through both the good and bad times. They talk you off the ledge when you feel like you’re losing your mind. They encourage you when they sense your anxiety. They cook for you when you’ve had surgery. They love you.

That’s it.

They love you. Not for what you can do for them, but for who you are. They build you up and not tear you down. They show solidarity for you when you are going through things. They become a fence when BS threatens to implode all over your face.

Sisterhood is amazing. I’m thankful for my sisters. I’m thankful for the women that God has placed in my life.


  1. You are so right..Girlfriends are so awesome….I am healing at a friend of 26 years house once he was put in prison and I could leave the Safe House…another awesome girlfriend lives with us….and then with my wonderful WordPress friends…I am healing…and so Thankful…Happy Thanksgiving Eve…
    Have a wonderful day cooking

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  2. This is so true. There are a few of my friends who I can always count on and who know can count on me…friends for life who are always there. They are worth their weight in diamonds. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. …and even though we don’t really know each other, I’m thankful for you Tikeetha! You make me think about relationship stuff from a different perspective. Hope you’re planning a wonderful Thanksgiving with you and your family.

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