2017 Daily Prompt our children parenting relationships


I smiled as I watched him sleep. He was deep in dream land. Not worrying about the problems of the day. He smiled in his sleep. It was the most beautiful thing.

He was no longer my baby. He was a grown man. Thankful that he had come home for a visit before shipping off with the Navy. I closed his bedroom door.

I was feeling melancholy. Life had gone by so fast and my beautiful brown baby was now a man. Where had time gone? I wished for days of vomit and dirty diapers. Of sleepless nights and doctor’s appointments.

I sat there looking through his baby pictures and smiling. His first night home was one of pure amazement. I stayed up all night fighting sleep just to watch my baby sleep. I needed to make sure he was okay. I refused to rest.

His attempts at nursing were hilarious and painful. He refused to latch on and the pout that he made as he shut his mouth tightly always made me smile. His baby scent was the most beautiful scent I ever smelled.

I flipped the pages of the photo album looking at the first birthday photos, first day of school photos, dances and annual family photo shoots. He was a handsome child. I smiled and closed the book. I felt peace because even though my son was a grown man now sleeping soundly in the next room…he would always be my baby.


This post is part of the Daily Post. Today’s word was baby.


  1. The love that emanates from motherhood lasts a lifetime. Kids grow up and move away, the relationship changes and you may not see or hear from them for a while, but the experience and memories warm your heart forever. That never goes away.

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