2017 advice motivation

Motivational Monday Moment – 4/17/2017

It’s the beginning of a new week and I wanted to share my Motivational Monday Moment with you. Today’s Motivational Monday Moment is about success. Success takes many different forms and I bet we’re all successful in one way or another. It’s hard not to be. But, what are the things that you’re doing to be successful or stay successful?


Success (n) the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.

Success can be whatever goals you’re striving for. No one said success will happen overnight, but don’t overlook the small successful steps that you make. Sometimes the small steps matter more. It’s about fearlessly pursuing your goals. Whatever they may be. You have to believe that you can and you will.


Sometimes the journey will lead you down many different paths and roads but you just keep going. Your blessing is on the horizon. Your success is going to manifest itself in ways you could have never imagined. No matter what you’re going through, any setback is only a set-up for the success that you have on the horizon.  Success isn’t overnight. It’s a process. Whatever you’re going through you have to know that you can’t give up.


Giving up sometimes seems the easiest thing to do, but when you’re running your race to accomplish your goals you can’t be distracted. You can’t give up! So, what you have to self-publish your book instead of getting a big publishing house to pick it up. You wrote that book right? So, what you didn’t get the job you wanted with the salary you thought you needed. You have a job right? Sometimes our failures only propel us to be more determined in reaching our goals.


We have to become super motivated to reach our goals. We can’t allow distractions to deter us from being what we want to be. Prime example:  I want to write my own book.  The thing is that I can’t seem to find the time or motivation to do so. I’ve started drafts and I never finish them. I doubt my talents. I find excuses.


I have a million and one things going on. I’m passionate about a lot of things. I’m thankful for everything that I have and everything that I can do. But, something the pastor said at church yesterday reminded me that I have to get to writing. I have to make time for my dreams. Not because I’m afraid of failing. Lord knows that I’ve failed enough times in my life. But, because I’m afraid of succeeding.


I know it seems weird. But, that’s my fear. Being a successful writer and having to do it full-time. I love my job. I love my career. I love the many things that I have going on. Do I really want to stop doing them? No.


So, I stall. I make excuses. I find ways to not “share my talent” as my pastor said yesterday. But, not today. I’m motivated to know that I have to be determined and not lazy. I have to push through with writing my book because my passion is telling my story.


I need you to do the same. Let’s push forward and focus on being successful in whatever we want to do. Celebrate the small successes and keep going. Don’t stop. Success is not making excuses and doing what you want. Reach into your spirit and let your fire burn and let’s make it happen. My Motivational Moment is telling you that success is within your reach. Let’s get it!


Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links: Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


  1. You nailed here: fear of success. It’s crazy to think but I do feel it’s true. There’s something uncomfortable about the pressure of doing well. Or reaching really high and falling hard. Wearing shoes we’ve outgrown probably hurts worse. Good post to ponder 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read something just yesterday, I think the words are originally Daniel Washington’s, which went like: there can be no beginning without commitment, and no completion without consistency (I may have mangled the words, but this is what i could make of what i read); and i was instantly motivated by it.

    The trait of successful people is often consistency, because automatically, you get better at something you try your hands on often enough. Sometimes, it is hard to start working on one’s dreams; but it is even harder to keep up with the little efforts we make to bring them into fruition, especially when the desired results are not immediately forthcoming. I hope we all find the courage to start doing that thing or those things that matter to us, as well as the courage to be consistent at, and get better at it!

    Lovely post ma’am. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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