2017 advice motivation


Today’s Motivational Monday Moment is about focus. Focusing on what you can and can’t control. Ya’ll know that I’m a control freak and I like to control all the things in my life. I hate surprises. I hate feeling like I have no control over the things that are happening in my life. But, I’m not alone.


My mom and I were having a discussion and she said “Focus on what you can control and don’t worry about what you can’t.” I let it sit in my spirit for a few days and realized she was right. I can’t control everything. Heck, truthfully speaking I have no control over a lot of things, but I can control how I react to things and not worry about things.


I needed to stop being distracted by the BS of others and focus on what matters most to me. Not the things that have nothing to do with me. Control. Shift my thinking and trust that everything is working for the good of God. Too many distractions where shifting my focus. Maybe that’s why I was mentally exhausted. Tired and lacked motivation. I was focusing on the wrong things. Things that weren’t making me happy. I was letting them depress me.


Not anymore. I needed to change my circumstance. Re-frame my mindset and focus on what I can control. What can I control? My emotions. My response. My heart. Those are things in my control. Everything else is beyond my control. I trust that whatever happens, God’s got me. All that I need to do is give it to Him and focus on living each day with purpose. That’s it that’s all.


So, my Motivational Monday Moment is all about focusing on you. Stop trying to control the things you can’t control. Control how you let the things affect you. Your emotions. Your response. And as my momma said “Focus on what you can control and don’t worry about what you can’t.”




Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links: Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


  1. I love this! I try to use it with my kidlets because one of them gets so upset over everything…I’m trying to get her to focus on her own actions and her own emotions and work from there.

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  2. I learned that lesson the hard way. The way I took control was to retreat…not to re-group because there are some people in your life that you will never be able to understand and don’t allow you to control things like how they treat you.
    Retreating works for me.

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  3. The very last one is great, the fuzzy Eiffel Tower photo in the background… nice defocus, somehow drawing attention to the… focus part. Thank you for the Motivational Monday Moments, they feel very enjoyable! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this post! I just started a blog in German and your words remind me so much to what I learned and am still learning in my life. So good to see how many people think and talk alike!!! Cheers from hamburg, Germany! ❤️🍀

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