2017 attack faith God parenting prayer

For Manchester

Last night I went to dinner with a friend of mine and he asked me had I heard about the bombing in England at an Ariana Grande concert. No, I hadn’t heard. It wasn’t playing on the news in the bar where we were and I couldn’t imagine anyone bombing a concert. A concert of a young pop star.

I was wrong. I went home and picked up my tablet to see the news flash notifications that I had missed.  The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN were all reporting the bombing. What kind of person would bomb a concert with children in it? What is this world coming too?

I said my prayers for the families, for England and for the world. I’m at a loss for words. How could you explain this to your children? One more thing to be afraid of. Fear of concerts and letting your children attend with or without you. Terrorism doesn’t care.

No words will ever be able to explain how 22 people died and 59 people were injured for just attending a concert. Listening to music. Isn’t music supposed to heal not hurt? What is this world coming too?

Please pray for Manchester and all the families and victims of this tragedy.



  1. It seems those young people who would be radicalized would look on this as utterly repellent, slaughtering teens and children. I would hope it would be a disgusting turn off to such senseless violence. It is heartbreaking.

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  2. It’s extremely terrifying. I have a job offer in England and this was to be an adventure for myself and my daughter, but I am so fearful of what this world is truly becoming. Are we truly safe anywhere?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Probably not and as a parent I know fear is gripping you right now. I completely understand. I would be the same way. Prayers that whatever you decide will be the best option for your family.


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