2017 advice children parenting school

Mommy Moments – 8.22.17

Munch and I have been enjoying our summer. School starts next month and I am preparing him slowly. His favorite color is blue (like his mommy) and he’s asked for blue tennis shoes again and a blue back pack.

Got it.

I’ve been buying school supplies and making sure that he’s enjoying camp. He started art camp this week and it goes through next week so I am excited about him learning and playing. This was the one request he had for a camp for summer. He wanted to go to art camp.

He’s gone swimming, skating, go-kart racing, to the fair and to an amusement park. He’s had a ball. We’re headed home to Tennessee in a couple of weeks and I can’t wait. I need the break.

Some funny news about Munch and his health…Last December Munch got a silver cap placed on his tooth. They call it a crown and his dad happened to take him to the dentist when they suggested it. I called the dentist upset because a crown requires a root canal and he still has baby teeth in his mouth. The hygienist was very helpful and just told me in essence it is a crown that his crown was to prevent the spread of decay of the two surrounding tooth. Okay.

After a $225.00 doctor visit for this crown and convincing Munch that it was okay as it was in the back of his mouth to the side, we got used to it. They explained that when his permanent tooth came in then the baby tooth with the crown on it will fall out.

Well, after only 8 months it fell out. Nope, I didn’t get my $225.00 worth of use. Munch was so cute because he thought that he should get more money from the tooth fairy because it was not just a regular tooth, but a silver tooth. Really?

He got a beautiful $1.00 from the tooth fairy. He then said the next morning “I wish it were a gold tooth. I probably would have gotten more.” LMAO.

The last few weeks in August will be spent attending BBQ’s, parties and appointments to get him ready for school. He has a vision appointment this Saturday to make sure he’s all set. School starts on the 6th of September.

How are you enjoying summer so far? Are your kids back in school? Any tips for getting ready to start the new school year?


Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links: Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


  1. Our boys started a week and a half ago. Tips for back to school? Attend as many orientations and meet-and-greets at school before it starts for real. Get him used to his teachers and see his friends again. Makes the first day less harrowing when they’ve been there a couple of times ahead of time.

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    1. Thank you so much. I wish that they had meet and greets prior to the school start, but they don’t. I don’t even know his teacher’s name. Ugh! He feels a little more confidant because he attended last year, but we’ll see. When does school end for you?

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      1. Yeah, the orientation days are good. I’m surprised y’all don’t do that. Our boys are generally out in May, depending on snow days. We only had one last year, so they were out third week of May last year.

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      2. That’s early. The governor announced last year that all schools in the state had to start after Labor Day and end by June 15th including any snow days. This cut down on teacher in-service days and longer breaks. We’ll see how it goes. Nope, orientations for middle and high schoolers only.

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      3. Yep. We were starting school the 3rd week in August and then not getting out to sometimes the 4th week of June. It was too much. I remember starting school after Labor Day and getting a full 12 weeks of summer.

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    1. Thanks sis. It’s been pretty awesome. He is at art camp and this is his last week. He has an art show tomorrow and I’m so excited. I’ll be posting about the show next week with pictures of his art work.

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    1. Really? They changed the school start date last year per the governor saying that kids should go back after Labor Day. They don’t get out until June here so we need at least 10 weeks. It kept getting shorter and shorter. I’m excited by the later start.

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  2. I’ve been seeing so many people saying they are so over summer, but I live in summer all year long and I love it! School started this week here in Florida and it’s nice to see you and Munch enjoying your time together:) BTW, blue is also my favorite color 😉

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    1. Thanks Yentl. Blue is awesome and the favorite color of us both. We’re enjoying the last days of summer before heading back to school. I’m happy that I finished all his school shopping and it’s just waiting the two weeks until school starts. He’s not ready. LOL. Kids.

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