appreciate blogger celebrating writer

Thank You from the Bottom of My Heart

So, yesterday I finally got 100 followers to my blog.



I am super excited. Since I changed my platform from Blogger to WordPress last July the growth has been S-L-O-W. But, I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for following A Thomas Point of View.

Not only has this blog grown in leaps and bounds in the last year, but me too. I’ve written more, shared more and grown more. Some things I did in the last year…I created a custom logo based off my actual photo, published pieces on other blogs, transferred to a new platform, bought my own domain and started writing two books. All of this while working full-time and being a mommy. Growth.

Although it may be slow by most people’s standards, I am overwhelmingly blessed and thankful for each and every milestone. I want to enjoy it, appreciate it and respect it. Everything happens in time.

So, thank you for following. Thank you for engaging. Thank you for just being you. You’re awesome!

P.S. I got another follower today. I’m at 101.



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