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Little Wins

Monday I walked into aftercare to pick up Munch to take him to soccer practice. He runs, gives me a hug and I lean down to kiss him and smile. He grabs his stuff and I’m listening to my girlfriend talk and he interrupts…”Mommy, who are you talking to? Mr. C? My daddy? Auntie Nikki?” he questioned. “None of your business Munch. Stop checking my call log and remember you’re 7 and I’m 41” I told him.

I laughed and realized that my son is now starting to pay attention to me and everything I do. I don’t know when this happened, but me noticing it now puts me in a different position to make sure that everyone knows that my child is in the car when having conversations and that I stop talking when he walks into a room. He’s now interested in my life. When did that happen?

After soccer practice, I headed to McDonald’s to grab him dinner and he asked, “Wow, you’re going to get me McDonald’s?” “Yes, Munch. I don’t feel like cooking. I’m cooking tomorrow and Wednesday so this is the only meal you will eat out” I replied. “Okay, Mommy” he said. He then said something that made me smile. He said “Mommy, I just can’t tell you how much I love. I love you so very much. You’re the best mommy in the world and I’m so lucky to have you.”

I love that. Little things. Little wins.


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