2016 children parenting relationships

First Day of School

Today is Munch’s first day of school. He’s at a new school and I have to tell you that I was so nervous this morning. He was scheduled to ride the school bus for the first time ever. However, it didn’t show up. Apparently that is expected on the first day. Ugh! I drove him to school and had a harried morning where I tried to see if any movement has been made on the before and after care front. At this point no. So, it’s the school bus and schedule adjustments until we get him enrolled in Before and Aftercare.

I did get to meet his teacher and I liked the classroom layout. Nice desks and smart boards. The school is pretty huge. Lots of windows. The staff was very friendly and I truly felt that they were happy to see both the parents and children. That was awesome.

His dad is going to head to the school to confirm he gets on the right school bus and my mom will be there waiting for him to get off the bus. I’m praying that everything goes well. I was frazzled and stressed out this morning with the bus not showing up and trying to get the child care situation coordinated. When I left the school my car was having trouble accelerating and then I heard a loud sort of metallic noise. I drove into the gas station and asked the mechanic to please look at my car. Guess what it was? My parking brake was on. No light warned me though. I felt like an idiot. The mechanic didn’t laugh (even though I’m sure he wanted to). I need a drink.

I made sure to fix him a hot breakfast before he went to school and I packed his lunch complete with a first day note wishing him well.  My mom said that I packed him too much food that he will be an easy target for the lunch bullies. LOL. I just wanted to make sure that he had enough food for both lunch and snack.

Well, that’s my drama. Summer’s gone by fast and my Munch is now in the third grade. Here’s to a successful school year for both parents and children of returning students!


      1. That was my reasoning as well. The teacher mentioned it to me once. I think she was very amused by the amount of food I tended to send. 🙂 My daughters loved it. They never went hungry. 🙂

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  1. He looks thrilled to be going to his first day at his new school! Handwritten notes by mom were always the best part of lunch for me! Bravo mom! Here’s to a great new school year for Munch!!

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  2. Munch is just so cute.
    Please wish him a wonderful new school year from all of us!
    By the way, is the gentleman in the picture his teacher? If so, that is waaaay too cool!
    Sis, I’ve been there with all the little difficulties that go along with raising children.
    Like I’ve said before, you’ll look back and laugh at all of this 🙂
    I promise you!

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  3. Awww first day of school! how exciting!!! I hope he had a great day, and that the bus situation is all worked out for tomorrow! Or as quickly as possible, since I know what it’s like for the admins on the first day of school lol

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      1. My first day of teacher’s college placement was the very first day of school, and I was the admin’s helper until first recess…it was INSANE! I don’t know how she does it every year without breaking down lol. I’m glad he made it home though! Will his ride always be so long? 😦

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  4. Awww he looks like one happy camper, at least until you kept taking pictures in the classroom in front of his peers. It looks like he is thinking, “Chill, mom.” lol I pray all that confusion subsides quickly so that you can relax and continue to learn with a little less stress involved. I will say that schools are some of the least organized places. I am not a parent but I have worked with schools for my job and it takes a lot of patience to deal with their dysfunction. And you would think a place centered around education would be educated (you see what I did there? lol) on organizational skills but that’s too much like right.

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    1. Yep, he’s thinking that. LOL. I have definitely chilled out a lot. This is the third day of school and things seem to be moving more smoothly so I’m just thankful for that. He said that class is boring because all they do is sit there and talk.

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      1. Oh that sucks. I hope they bring some excitement to the classroom. I really wish I had the power to totally change the format of the education system. It would be a different world. Anyway, that’s another story for another day. I am happy that things are going smoother for you guys!

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