2015 accepting yourself advice dating relationships Uncategorized woman women

The Beginning

It always starts off nice. You know when you meet someone and they seem to be a good person? An admirable, stand up, good looking man with a sense of humor that just gets my quirky and nerdy ways. You laugh, you flirt and you speak constantly. The ebb and flow of the conversation is perfect. It is just how you imagined.

You see him share pieces of his childhood, bear his soul about his last failed relationship, discuss his dreams and you stop, smile and daydream that this could be happening. That you could actually find someone that you want to spend quality time getting to know. That you could have found “the one” who you could introduce to your girlfriends, your family and your son.

Your smile is infectious over dinner. Your laugh is contagious when you go bowling. You enjoy being in his presence while smoking a cigar at the bar sipping your champagne slowly. You look into his eyes and see that this…this could be the beginning of happiness.

Then you stop. You stutter. You catch yourself because you know that you’ve been here before. You’ve watched a man “woo and court you” only to end up where you started. Alone. Alone is not bad. Alone is just lonely.

So, I will just enjoy the ride and go with the flow. I might be staring into my future or living in the present with someone designed to bring out the best in me. It gets easier to determine which is which when I take my time. Patience is the key.

Because dating sucks!

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