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The Musings of A Diabetic – Part 1

“I have the sugar”. Those were the words I uttered last month when I found out that I am now in the diabetic range. My A1C was 7. I was officially diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic. I sighed. I was feeling overwhelmed.

I met with my doctor to go over my numbers. He was angry because I hadn’t repeated my labs or seen him since August of last year when the numbers indicated that I was pre-diabetic. He wanted to know why I hadn’t bothered to see him or return his calls. He was acting like I stood him up or something.

I guess in reality I did. I had been so busy and pre-occupied with life that I put my health on the back burner. Yes, I still worked out. Yes, I still kept losing weight and increasing my water intake. But, my life was in a tailspin last year. I couldn’t focus on me. I had to focus on everyone else.

My son got shigella. My daddy got diagnosed with cancer. My son was having emotional issues. I was going through a horrific time with my ex. I got a kidney infection and ended up in the hospital. My car got hit by a U-haul truck while it was parked. I thought I had breast cancer.

There it was.  A lot of the load that I was carrying had weighed me down. My health became minor. I had to work. I had to pay the bills. I had to take care of my son. I had to get a grip on reality. I was having a nervous breakdown and I couldn’t have one because there wasn’t any time to have one. Who would take care of my Munch if I did?

He listened. I said, “I need you to understand the plight and burden of being a mother. A black mother. We carry the weight of the world on our shoulder and we often neglect our health.” He said, “Okay, well now you can’t neglect your health. It’s serious.” I felt defeated as I responded, “I know.”

We spoke about my weight loss. He was happy. He sees the scale going down. We talked about my work out routines. My activity levels. My stress levels. My eating habits. There it was. My eating habits. I mostly ate healthy but I didn’t know that my love of carbs was killing me. Oh, how I love pasta, rice and sauce. I dreamed of pasta and warm breads. They comforted me.

They were slowly killing me. “I don’t want medication. My mom says that I could become dependent on medication and she doesn’t want me to take it. She wants me to reverse it. She’s a chemist you know.” He sat there and slowly responded “Nothing against your mom but you need the medication. I don’t want your pancreas to have to work so hard to get that sugar out of your body. The medication helps to get rid of the sugar. I wouldn’t recommend it unless I thought you needed it.”

“I know” I muttered.

“No one changes their eating habits overnight. It takes time. This medication will start to work while you continue to try and make better choices.”

“I know” I replied with tears streaming down my face.

“Look, since you’re against it I will start off on a low dosage one pill daily, although I would normally recommend two pills a day. I want you to test your blood sugar every other day and I want you to continue to work out and change your food choices. Keep a journal of what you eat so you can see the things that make your sugar levels rise. We will retest in 3 months. We will see what’s going on.”

I agreed.

The nurse came in and showed me how to test my sugar. Simple finger prick. Once every other day.

I could do that.

I left the office feeling defeated.


      1. Quite honestly you can turn the situation around. I have a good friend who had the same pre-diagnosis three months ago. Three months later, she’s lost over twenty pounds and will need to do nothing but maintain. You can do it. I’m sure. She has completely turned her diet around (e.g., no sugar, no carbs, etc.). She even visited Nola and was able to maintain. You can do it. I’m sure.


  1. Oh, friend. I know that this isn’t the news you wanted. But I’m grateful to God that you walked into the office and you are armed with the tools to get healthy and take this on. We will all support and encourage you if that is what you need!

    And remember that all of your challenges make you stronger, wiser. And you have a loving community here. Share your heavy load with us, girl! You ain’t walkin’ alone!

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    1. Aww, thank you. I was wondering what to right so I decided to share my health story too. It’s depressing but I’m trying to stay positive. God’s not done with me yet.


  2. You took a huge step! And that’s awesome even though it’s not particularly the news you were hoping to hear but atleast you know now that you need to take care of yourself FIRST so you can take care of Munch. It’s a lot you’re going through…but we are here to listen and to support you. A bigggggg hug to you!

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  3. Yes those carbs will do it every time. I am glad you are embracing it and now its time to HEAL! You will turn this thing around. You are just “very sweet”! Keep doing what you are doing, I see it a lot, noncompliance. People having their limbs amputated and stuff.

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  4. Great post, you put in words what many of go thru when we are diagnosed, but stay focused & low carb, that will help so much. I am in a great place now as far as my A1c test goes & my triglycerides levels went down 1/2 something I struggles with for years! So stay positive & motivated!

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