2017 blogger

Stat Sharing

I just wanted to share that I have made over 900 posts on WordPress and have received over 1300 WordPress followers. I’m extremely honored to have each one of you read, follow, like or comment on my posts. You are all amazing. Thank you.


Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links:  Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


    1. Thanks Shay-lon. It gets exhausting, but I truly love to write and the interactions created. I am trying to create and post a week in advance so that I can spend that week reading the works of others and commenting on posts.

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      1. Ah! that is a great idea, I have heard of many people doing this same thing (create and post a week in advanced) – I heard it works wonders. I have been trying to do the same thing, but I am horrible at it, so I am stuck writing and posting the same day, lol. Perhaps I need to make it a bigger priority to write more and schedule them to post on certain days to spend more time with my followers as well. It can be quite difficult having to keep up with followers and also trying to make sure you create quality content on time as well.


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      2. Yes, this is very true. I like finding new writers as well. Engagement is important as bloggers, we need it in order to build rapport and trust and it is what keeps people coming back for more 😀

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