2018 advice dating motivation pain passion

Motivational Monday Moment – 06.11.18

Today’s Motivational Monday Moment inspired me after reading this quote which says “Just for today, allow yourself to embrace all that you are every moment. Know that you are a vessel of light. Allow yourself to release all doubts about your ability, the mistakes of the past, the fear of the future.” It is by Iyanla Vanzant. Isn’t it wonderful? It truly inspired me this morning.

I wanted to tell you that no matter what you are going through you need to embrace life. Embrace the fact that you are where you are supposed to be at this moment in time. No matter what you are going through you need to understand that it is where you are supposed to be. Don’t doubt your journey. Don’t fear the future because your past. Your past was a lesson.

I didn’t lose myself in my relationship with Mr. C. I remembered who I was and where I’m supposed to be. It was a lesson. Sometimes we need to remember that. No matter the hurt, the pain or the anger you’re feeling – you need to embrace all that. You are are invaluable. You are so worthy of all the love and happiness and success you can stand. Trust yourself. Trust the process.


Nothing in life is a mistake. It is a lesson and lessons are important. They remind us to keep learning. Just learn what you’re supposed to learn and know that it is preparation for your success. You matter.

Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links: Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


  1. Nothing in life is a mistake is a lesson I have a hard time learning and accepting. I have lived a life without regrets except for one thing, and maybe because it’s only one, it nags at me as much as it does. Maybe when I’ve acquired more, it will become lost in a sea of memories. But until then…I’m working on acceptance.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know it was hard for me to accept that things or better yet relationships with people weren’t a mistake, but it is true. I learned something. I’m thankful for the lessons. I’m praying that you get your acceptance on what you’re working through. Thanks for reading.


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