2016 advice christianity failures faith God prayer relationships

Motivational Monday Moment – 9/19/16

Happy Monday Folks!

Today’s Motivational Monday Moment is meant to inspire you to pray. I’ve had an exhausting 24 hours. It was stressful and I allowed some things to stress me when I shouldn’t have. I know.

It’s my fault.

I was disturbed in my spirit and trying to get my emotions under control. I wish I could tell you that I have all the answers and that I’m not easily stressed, but I don’t. I’m human. I make MANY mistakes.  One of the many mistakes is getting sucked into the drama and issues of others.


I’m emotional. I need to learn to not get sucked into drama and just pray. It’s hard though. I want to fight and argue and make a case for my side when you know what? It really doesn’t matter. I can’t change someone’s mind. I can only control my actions and me.


I don’t owe anyone anything. I just need to be the best person that I can be. I need to keep my head in the game and stop feeling the need to validate who I am and what I am doing. I owe nothing to no one.


When I am stressed beyond belief I forget how to pray sometimes. Has that ever happened to you? When there is so much noise in your head that your head is pounding and you forget that the only way out is to pray?


I do. Been there. Done that. Multiple times. Even when I was alone, I knew that I was truly not alone. He was right there with me. Waiting patiently for me to come to him.


However, I want to remind each of us how easy it is to pray through our problems. You are never alone. Just call on Him. How do you call on Him? Just by doing this…


Call on the name of Jesus. Sometimes all you can do is just say “Jesus” and you can start to feel His power working in you. He wants us to call Him. Why? Because there is power in the name of Jesus.


Trust me when I tell you that all you have to do is call on His name because there is power there. I know because this morning I was all out of sorts…angry, defensive and frustrated. I felt alone and I needed to get my mind right before coming into work.

You know what it was? I broke my normal routine. I usually wake up and pray and read devotionals and have prayer with Mr. C. We didn’t do it this morning. He changed his work hours and I got Munch into before and after care at school so our schedules were off. When he called me I was trying to finish up and get out of the door.

I got in the car and told him about a situation that frustrated the heck out of me. I was angry, perturbed and frankly stressed out this morning. He tried to calm me down. He said “Babe, you need to pray”. I responded “Yeah, I need to pray.” It was in a snarky town because I was in a snarky mood. We were not getting along well this morning.

But, you know what? He was right. I needed to pray. My mind was out of sorts and I was not being as I should be. I owned it. I allowed outside things to change me. I needed Jesus. I needed to pray. I needed to have my spirit renewed and refreshed. And you know what it worked.


I started to feel better. What did I do? Nothing. I just went before the throne this morning. I owned my mood and said  a prayer…


Dear Father,

Hallowed be thy Name

Help me this morning Lord.

I’m coming to you asking for help

You know what I’m going through

You know the pains that are disturbing my spirit

Help me to erase the pain and know that all things

work according to Your will.

That if it is in your will it will be fine.

Allow my spirit to find peace in your words and my mind to be anchored in you

Let me remember that you are sovereign and that no weapon formed

against me shall prosper


There’s nothing like calling the sweet name of Jesus.

Dear Lord please give my weary spirit rest. Help me to forgive those that mean me harm

Teach me how to seek peace and understanding for those who trespass against me.

Teach me how to pray for those that wish me harm.

Dear Lord you are the only true God

so it is in you will that I want to humbly reside.

Bear with me Lord.

I am weak.

I am human.

Renew my mind and renew my spirit.




      1. Don’t misunderstand. I have “known” Him all of my life. I don’t want to give the impression that I am not a believer…quite the opposite. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever in my mind or soul that God exists.
        I’m just really pissed off at Him right now and have been for several years.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thanks for the clarification. Your position is understandable. There are probably many other people reading this that feel that way too.
        But why are you so pissed about God, if I may ask? Is it something you may wish to talk about?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. When I was a wee one, all I wanted was to be loved by my mama. I prayed and begged but she never did. I just tried to be a “better little girl, pray harder and wait for His miracle.”
        When I grew up, I married my mama (in male form) and not only that, his mama was a clone of my mama sans the baseball bats and broom handles.
        I prayed that he would start treating me better and take up for me when his family was attacking me…but nothing. Then, he cheated on me and gave me a disease. I prayed that he would change so that I could forgive him. He never did and neither did I.
        When I finally divorced him because he had yet another tramp he was taking home to “meet the family” I looked to Him and my children for strength and support.
        They chose him and that tramp. I haven’t seen or talked to them in a long time.
        So….you see….He really came through for me, didn’t He?


      4. I am so sorry to hear how badly the people in your life have treated you. If I were in your shoes, I would feel horrible too. But then we can hardly blame God for the choices people make in life.

        God gave free will to us and unfortunately we often use it in ways that are sometimes inappropriate, just like in the cases of those people you mentioned. But with the love of God in our hearts, we can often handle such issues in the best possible ways.

        One of such ways is through forgiveness. The right is that we don’t wait for people to change before we forgive them. We simply forgive them whether they change or not. Is that not what Christ did for us? He died for us while we are yet sinners, without waiting for us to change….

        I do not want to prolong the issues…. Everything is in the past now. You can come back to God now… He has what it takes to make all things beautiful again for you again. You can be healed of the hurts of the past and given a new, refreshing beginning. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks for your time.


      5. I knew that was where you were going to go….the forgiveness route.
        Nope. NEVER. I will never forgive any of them. It lets them off the hook. It gives them peace. It gives them clear path to do the same damn thing again, either to me or to somebody else.
        I will never give them that graceful offering.

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      6. There you go Laurel! I can’t force you to forgive anyone. But have you ever thought of the bad effect not forgiving other will have on your emotional and spiritual well being?


      7. No. I don’t sit around thinking about how much I hate them…or think about plotting revenge…its just that the one thing I never forgive is betrayal.
        Even God himself speaks of the one “unpardonable sin.” He doesn’t forgive blasphemy against the holt spirit.
        I don’t forgive betrayal. If that makes me unworthy somehow in His or your eyes, then so be it.
        Betrayal is a fatal mistake for me. He may have forgiven Judas but there are two indisputable facts. He is God and I am not.

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      8. Laurel, I got your point and I presume you understood mine too. So there may be no need to push it any further. Suffice to say that God still loves you no matter what you think of Him.
        Were you able to check out the link I suggested earlier? Feel free to leave a comment there. Regards.


      9. I did. It couples not forgiving with vengeance and grudges. It makes perfect sense…for most people.
        Like I said…my children betrayed me but I wish only the best for them. I want them to know joy and happiness. I want them to have long and healthy lives.
        I would take a bullet for any or all of them…but they all knew that betrayal was the one thing I couldn’t forgive…and it didn’t matter.


      10. You can forgive anyone anything if you choose to. You will be happy for it if you do so. And if you don’t want to forgive it’s your choice too. But remember that mercy supersedes judgement. Take care.


  1. Very timely post Sis.
    People needed these words from you.
    Folks are walking around in the ‘darkness’ not knowing what to do; or who to call. I’ve heard it said that HE is as close as your breath and even closer than that.
    I have kept a morning prayer and meditation ritual for a couple of years now. I do not like to get into anything before I complete that process. There is no better way to start your day.
    Some people see prayer as the last option. Actually it should be your best and first option.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I wish I had thought of it myself. LOL!!
        All jokes aside, it really demonstrates that the Lord is WITH you always–that offers me a great deal of comfort:

        …”nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the Kingdom of God is in your midst.”– Luke 17:21 (NIV)

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  2. I’m not religious at all but I still took a lot away from this post. We can only control how we respond to people and events. Some great motivation to take personal responsibility for what I am doing and how I am feeling. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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