2017 advice dating relationships

5 Ways to Make Me Happy

As a woman who knows her strength and in many cases an alpha female I wanted to share ways that a man can make me happy in a relationship. I’m not perfect, but I’m not helpless either. I don’t need a man to do everything for me. I’m independent and love being able to take care of business and I’m learning to show my vulnerable side. So, here are the 5 ways that a man can make me happy.

  1. Allow me to have my space. It is in this space where I allow my creative juice to flow. Whether it be girl time, mommy time, time to write my book, edit or do sorority activities, allow me that time. I can’t be with a man that doesn’t allow me the opportunity to have my own space. I’m already busy and I love being able to have time for the things that matter to me.
  2. Tell me what you need. I am not a mind reader. As I mentioned in #1, I’m busy and I have a lot going on. My conversations are usually random thoughts where I’m trying to get everything out. Sometimes they are jumbled, other times they are random. I mean no harm. My mind goes in a million directions. Tell me if I am missing something. I want to know what you need. I can’t read your mind.
  3. Know that I am going to hold it down. I need you to understand as an alpha female, I will bring something to the table. I’m going to hold it down and make your needs a priority if you do #2. I got you. However, there are some things that I believe you as a man should do. What things? Take out the trash. I will clean the kitchen and wash your clothes. However, I need you to take the trash out.
  4. Let me take care of you. This is different than #2, I want to take care of you. Mr. C and I struggle with this a lot. He is use to doing everything for everybody, but I got him. I like to take care of him. Whether it be sending him sweet texts, emails or buying him little gifts…I like to take care of him. He does so much for me that me taking him out to dinner for Father’s Day and buying him a gift is minimal in comparison. But, that’s my man and I like to spoil him. I like him to know that no matter what is going on in my hectic life that I am making him a priority.
  5. Have my back. I get stressed out dealing with the various challenges in my life. I need to know that you have my back. That when I need you, you will be there. It is in my reaching out to tell you that I’m frustrated about something that I am displaying my vulnerable side. I don’t need you to fix it. I just need you to love and trust me to know that it will get done. That all will work according to God’s plan. But, I need that support from you.

Well, that’s it. I’m pretty simple. What things matter to you when dating or in relationships?


Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links:  Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


  1. I like having someone I can depend on no matter what. I need him to pull his weight, don’t think I’m the maid! I love a man that can communicate and not keep everything bottled up inside(which I know is very hard for men) but for a man to open up completely, that says a lot. Provide security! Lastly, I love a man that listens to me regardless of how much I may talk, lol.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Can we get an AMENNNN?! Can the church…I said…Can the church say AMENNN?!

    YASSSSSSSS… as us Millennials and our younger counterparts like to say. I can concur on all of the above.

    1. As an introvert, I need time to chill out, get away. I don’t want everyone in my space, asking me questions, rubbing my leg like “What we doing tonight” (yes, even though I’m married, sometimes sexy time is gonna have to wait until after I have 15 minutes of just laying here time.)

    2. ERGH! Tell me what you need! Like…YASSSSSSSSSS again! Don’t give me a passive aggressive answer, or sort kinda maybe, or whatever you want. Because you know what I’ll do what I want and if you don’t like it later, you gonna have to kick them rocks.

    3./4. Fo’ sho’! Yes. In the beginning of our relationship, I was a stingy lil’ shut my mouth. But as we started living together, paying bills, we prayed out eye sockets red…things started coming together. Like, how many times I have to tell you I gotcha, boo? Boom! Just paid for this meal! Bam! Just paid them utilities. You’re not married to a rock who complains about the sun. A sista helps out. So recognize my sophisticated gangsta.

    5. I know he does this already in many capacities, but sometimes it’s like, “Honey boo…We’re over here honey. Come back over here to wifey. Cause you went to the far left on that one.”

    AGAIN!….YASSSSSSSS on this post because maybe dudes don’t always know that we know that we know what we want.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a good list! I’m a Gemini through and through. I may want to be up under you today and need you to go on somewhere tomorrow lol I need for the person to understand that. Luckily, my hubby does.

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