2017 address advice depression relationships self-esteem

You Probably Need Therapy

I believe in therapy. I believe that there has been a mental shift in this country in how we really deal with our issues. In fact, we don’t deal with them. We walk around wearing masks like there is absolutely nothing wrong with us.

But, it is a lie.

There are things that are wrong with you.

There is something wrong with me.

There is something wrong with you.

There is something wrong with all of us.

Let’s stop pretending.

Did you know that 44% of Americans between the ages of 18-44 suffer from depression? It’s staggering, yet imaginable. The media isn’t helping. The weather isn’t helping. Life is just overwhelming some days.

The NIMH estimates that in the United States, 16 million adults had at least one major depressive episode in 2012. That’s 6.9 percent of the population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. It is a leading cause of disability.

That’s a lot of us that are depressed. Depression is common and many of us overlook it. I’ve suffered from depression and I’m pretty sure that if you think back to life’s events that have affected you…you probably have too. Was there a death of a loved one? Divorce? Job loss?

I’ve seen therapists many times as an adult. It was in therapy that I realized that I suffer from anxiety. I knew that I had a way of processing that was different, but I couldn’t put my fingers on it. When I explained to my closest friends about my anxiety. They sighed and said “Yep, that’s it.”

My anxiety may not be as severe as other people, but it is something that I recognize and realized that I’ve passed down to Munch. It’s difficult to find the words to encourage my baby to stop worrying about things and as my grandma used to say “borrow tomorrow’s troubles”. He is anxious. He’s 9. He shouldn’t worry.

But, he got it honestly. I worry A LOT. I’m just learning to let things go and not let them stress me out. Through friends and my absolutely fabulous therapist, I’m learning to process what I need too and disregard the rest of the noise. This is part of why I’ve been sharing my self-preservation and the power is within you posts.

I’m learning. I’m growing. I’m accepting that I don’t have all the answers. That I can’t figure it out all by myself. I needed help. I’m getting it.

We have to stop stigmatizing mental health issues. I know in the black community we don’t seem to believe in therapy. We believe that you can pray your way out of anything. Including mental health.

This is not true.

Prayer helps and I believe that God hears all and sees all. But, how can you hear God if you’re hearing voices because you have schizophrenia? You can’t.  It’s impossible.

Now, ya’ll know that I think all black people need three things: Jesus, wine and therapy. We have to stop labeling mental health issues as crazy and start supporting and encouraging our love ones (and ourselves) to get the help we need. It’s about time we stop promoting the strong black woman bulls*it and just promote healthy minds for a healthy you.

It’s time to take care our mental health and spirit too.


Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links: Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


  1. Hi Tikeetha,
    I believe we all need therapy because we have experience some kind of trauma in our lives.
    My wife suffer from depression but is doing well with it since her doctor put her on meds that matches her DNA.
    It’s a new technology.
    The number of teens with depression is increasing at an alarming rate.
    They say genetic play a role with depression.
    I suffer from anxiety so I try to stay relaxed and focus.
    Thanks for the insight!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Vernon. Yep, we’ve all experienced some form of trauma in our lives and we don’t have the tips and techniques to be able to work through and process those emotions. So, we’re coping. Some better than others. Some use drugs or alcohol to cope and others just work themselves to death. We have to take our mental health seriously.

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    2. Hi Vernon!

      I suffer from anxiety too. I have found that certain herbal supplements help me as well as a number of other things. I really think life requires a holistic approach, where we are utilizing resources from many different areas.

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  2. Hello Tikeetha,

    wow,44 %. That is big number. 8$ billion is a heavy industry of antidepressants in USA. I believe that we can heal ourselves . It is not easy road. With positive thoughts, we can force our body to light the hormones of happiness.Each terapuet at the end again works through us.Thank you

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Ben! I’m not about pushing drugs down anyone’s throat, but you need to get diagnosed and work to find ways to cope. It may be easier with anxiety than schizophrenia, but we have to find ways to not be ashamed for needing help. If nothing, the opioid crisis in the U.S. is teaching us that people are numbing their pain.

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  3. Excellent post. Mental health and therapy are stigmatized. I’m glad more is being done to change that. We don’t shun someone for going to the doctor when they have a physical sickness so why do we get all weirded out for seeing a therapist when we’re heartsick or soul-sick? My mom totally agrees with you. Haha. She says it’s all my fault for waking her up to ‘all this mental health stuff’. ‘Geez, does everyone have issues or what?!’ she asked. I’m a therapist 😉 Yes mom. We all do! And it’s normal and fine cause that’s life.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. We do. I learned from a therapist that we need to do more in our wellness programs to link mental health and our eap with our wellness programs. He said that is the way that we can reach more people. We tend to shun and make it as though you are the only one, when in reality there are many people suffering with mental health issues alone and they need help. We have to be vigilant about our mental health too.


  4. You crack me up sis…”Jesus, wine and therapy!” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that really worked?
    We sure need something. The world is on a fast track to Hell I’m afraid. If she’s not roaring, somebody with a gun is….so so sad. What’s happening to us?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t understand why we don’t seem to understand…or care…that we are in crisis mode. So many people are in need of help, yet they’re ignored. Why? The time for action is not AFTER something like Las Vegas happens….it’s before.
        And truthfully, sis, how long before this just goes away with a whimper until the next time? All the lip service will be paid but will there be a concerted effort to try ot prevent it from happening again?
        Many times the signs and symptoms are there if somebody will just take the time to notice.

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      2. I have no idea. It’s so hard for me right now. I have to disengage from the stress and drama and focus on positive things because the situations in Vegas, Puerto Rico and the devastation of the hurricanes have me wondering what is going on. People pay lip service like you said and nothing changes. Then more people die and we’re back in this never ending cycle of death and devastation.

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  5. I very much agree with you that at some point in their life most people need therapy of one form or another and we need to de-stigmatize it. Just something below to chew on though!
    Therapy can come from many avenues, it does not have to be a traditional “therapist/patient” type relationship. People can get great therapy from books, self help groups, internet programs, motivational/ therapeutic recordings, online support services. The list goes on and on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely. It requires you to work on yourself. But, if you have serious mental health issues, you can’t treat that through books. I’m not about forcing medications down someone either, but just being able to understand how to process and how your brain works if you are bi-polar is different from someone who may experience seasonal depression or anxiety. The thing is that there are many people who are probably walking around with undiagnosed mental health issues and a book can’t confirm that.

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      1. True, for serious mental health issues professional help is always the first step!! You would not treat a gaping wound with a bandaid!!


  6. Totally agree! I should discuss this more on my blog too. I’ve seen therapists in the past and it was a tremendous help. I even was able to relocate my dad through the help of one of the therapists.

    It does unfortunately have a stigma as you said and especially in the black community. I know so many BM that need therapy, lol. I know so many angry people that have something at the root of that anger that they need to get to.

    Thanks for your candidness and truth! You are an inspiration Tikeetha even as i continue to navigate my personal journey!


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  7. So true, good stuff, I was mentally depressed until the age of 39 that’s when God lifted my depression it took God things had happened to me as a child in my heart was shattered. Ezekiel 36 and 26 he says that he will give us a new heart and I am wearing my new heart. That’s the same thing that I am writing and teaching people to work on yourself don’t accept having a broken heart or depression or addiction for the rest of your life do the work be happy.

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  8. LOVED THIS!! its completely accurate. The problem with our society especially in the black community is often times we are raised with “what happens in this house stays in this house” and it’s not true those secrets spill out into the world and all we are taught to do is pray it out not seek help because “Black people don’t do therapy” imagine if that stigma was gone and we actually sought the help we desperately need. Mental health is REAL and we need to speak up.

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  9. I used to be anti-therapy and thought it was for the weak. Then I got my life flipped upside down and realized I’m an idiot. Proud to say divorce/custody/suicide survivor and part of that transformation was due to seeing a therapist. She and I are good friends to this day (three years later) and I still actively see her every few weeks!

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  10. Great post …. thanks for sharing. I believe in trying everything from meditation, medication, yoga, exercise, diet … the whole shaboodle! If it works, stick with it. This approach seems to be working for me. Best wishes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks for reading! I agree that we should definitely do all those things because they help clear and free our mind. But, some people do nothing and the issues pile up. Freeing your mind from clutter is the first step to living a healthier you.


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