2018 advice blessings faith God prayer religion

Motivational Monday Moment – 02.19.18

Today’s Motivational Monday Moment comes from the movie Black Nativity starring Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, Jacob Lattimore and Jennifer Hudson. The song that I chose from that movie was “Be Grateful”. This song was originally sung by Walter Hawkins and released in 1978. The original is magnificent, but this is a great rendition.

This is one of my favorite gospel songs. It reminds me to be grateful in all circumstances. Even when you are going through hell you should be grateful because God didn’t promise only sunshine. Every now and then we will get rain.

Some of the lyrics to the song are:

God desires to feel your longings
Every pain that you feel, he feels them
Just like you
But he can’t afford to let you feel only good (only good)
Then you can appreciate the good time

Be grateful(2x’s)
Cause there’s someone else who’s worse off than you
Be grateful
Cause that someone else who’d love to be in your shoes

Great huh? It reminds you that there is always someone off worse than you. Isn’t that what life is about? Being grateful.

If you only knew what I was going through, you would wonder how I have such a positive attitude. Let me tell you how and why? God. That’s it. Simply because I trust in the Master’s plan to see me out of each and every situation.

It’s Lenten season and while there are many people giving up things during this time, I’m asking you to not give up on God. See, we all get busy and we forget to thank and just pray to God every day. We forgot that His will never ends but we push him to the side.

We worry. We struggle to get through our trials and tribulations. We talk to our friends and family. We suffer in silence. Tears running down our face. We forget to give it to Him. Don’t give up on God, love. Be grateful that you have that relationship and count it all good.

So, my Motivational Monday Moment is about reminding you to be grateful no matter the circumstance. Know that trouble don’t last always. He’s working it out on your behalf. Remember that and be blessed.

Want to keep in touch? You can find me on social media at the following links: Twitter @mskeeinmd, Facebook page A Thomas Point of View and my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mskeeinmd/.


  1. Beautiful! Lent is about becoming a better person. We are supposed to help others more, pray more and fast something we love for 40 days. Jesus gave up his life for us to become our savior. It’s a bittersweet time.

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      1. I forgot to add we fast for 40 days because Jesus fasted in the desert before his death for 40 days. Mass is a little bit somber during this time. Try to read the gospel or say the Lord’s prayer if you can 🙂 God is so good and he loves us very much.

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