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Guest Blogger Post: …and some are TOADS!

For my entire life, I have heard that “All Men are Dogs”, to some extent that is true, but, some are “TOADS”.

Like so many of us women, when we were young girls growing up, we wanted that Prince Charming. We wanted the fairy tale life that we read about.  We wanted the white picket fence, a great job, and 2.5 children (I never understood the 2.5 children).

Unfortunately, many of you have not found your “KING” because you do not want to kiss the “TOADS”!

TOADS, yes!  Many of you are overlooking the toads.  You are overlooking them because they do not look good to you on paper.  They are not the ones that you have vision/dreamt that you would be with.  Many of them do not have the six figure income, they have children, they have baby momma/mommas drama (I think 2 baby mommas is the limit), drive a hooptie, live in an apartment, and so on.  Yet, they have dreams.  They dream of having their QUEENS, they are not looking for a helping hand, they are looking for support, but, yet they get overlooked.

These men are teachers, nurses, factory workers, coaches, policemen, mechanics, truck drivers, managers, small business owners, correctional officers, and I could go on and on.

They are overlooked because they do not meet your standards; so they are passed over.

These TOADS are not on your list. Why? Because you never gave them a chance. You judged them by their appearance, what they drove, what they wore, and where they worked. You never acknowledged him. You never got to know their heart, their desires, and their dreams. You didn’t get to know the man. You blew off the TOAD!

He could be the GREATEST PROVIDER. He may not have the six-figure income, but, you can enhance and encourage him to go back to school and help him to further his education and his goals. He will not let you do it alone. He will contribute and will be very proud to do so. His credit score may be a 650-700 or lower, help him to change it. You may be the bread winner, but you do not have to throw it in his face…Trust me he knows.

He is a GREAT PROTECTOR. He will fight for your honor. If someone hurts you, he is ready to go to WAR!

He is a GREAT COMMUNICATOR. He is willing to share his dreams with you. He talks about “US”. He is knowledgeable, he is intelligent. He can/will surprise you with some of his conversations. He doesn’t just know about sports, there are other things that he could teach you.

He is EMOTIONAL. He will let you see his hurts, his tears, and his pain. He will listen to your needs and desires, your hurt, your pain, and offer comfort instead of blowing you off.

He is a GREAT COOK! He must be able to cook more than Ramen Noodles. If he is a great cook, ladies you got it made.

He is GREAT IN BED! He is willing to let you take the wheel in bed. He is willing to allow you to be you with him. He is ready to be handcuffed, tied up, or whatever when it comes to satisfying your “bedroom desires”.

Ladies, get to know the MAN before you brush him off.

You can turn that TOAD into a KING! He is looking for his QUEEN, too!

If I had been focusing on appearance, I would not have found my KING. Sure, I was young, just starting life, but I knew he was the one for me. We have been together for 17 years; married for 12 years. He is all of the above.

I didn’t find the “Perfect Man”, but I found the “Perfect Man for ME!” We have grown together. It hasn’t been easy but we have made it.

I hope you enjoyed.

Life may not go as you planned, but it is worth LIVING!


This post was written by my fellow blogger at A Flawed Ruby. Check her out at www.aflawedruby2015.com


  1. I really love this article it’s so true. When me and my husband met I was the one making a good salary. However, over time he became the bread winner and he always thanks me for standing by him when he didn’t have anything. The thing is I knew he was going to be successful because he had drive. I didn’t look down on him because I was making more money and had a college degree. God is amazing because he certainly can turn people’s life around for the better. Don’t discount someone because they make less money or don’t have a degree. It’s about that person’s drive and faith. It also helps when they have a supportive women who see’s their potential.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have never understood the 2.5 kids either! I love this post. I never found my prince charming but I did find my husband and 10 years later we are as happy as a married couple can get. I may borrow this post idea. Not copying it, I swear.

    Liked by 1 person

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